
Retirement Paycheck 

Retirement is different from your working years–you’re no longer putting in time and collecting a paycheck regularly. Creating a sustainable paycheck in retirement is, however, an art worth mastering. Without a full-time employer, retirees are left with the task of cobbling together a sustainable cash-flow strategy that will not only cover their expenses, but also

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Pay Attention! 

We’re inundated with so many changes to rules related to retirement, that we oftentimes tell ourselves we can just ignore them and “focus on them later.” However, there are some changes you might want to pay attention to now. For example, the changes made by the Secure Act:  Firstly, the Secure Act interest and penalties

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Sometimes there is value in knowing. Social Security was never meant to cover all your expenses in retirement, and, unless you work in the public sector, pensions are rare. Knowing there’s another payment coming in like clockwork every month, or that your savings have some protection from a volatile market, can ease possible worries about

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Retirement Spending

Many people nearing retirement make the mistake of just “guessing” their retirement income needs rather than actually calculating what they’ll need to support their retirement spending. This is because many people don’t put enough thought into their financial needs when they are working, either.  However, given that you don’t have the income from a job

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